
Showing posts from February, 2020

In Search of Success

We humans are in search of success from cradle to grave. Much of what we feel, act, express, work is a reflection of what others expect, think, feel, perceive about us. Thus, reviewing ourselves  to meet the expections and image of others has become a social model of  a competitive life towards achieving success in today's world. Where success has become a mixture of much complex emotional output given by an individual. Most of those who fail to balance the equilibrium between others and themselves fail to succeed in accomplishing their goals in life. Thus, it is important for one to balance his personality keeping in account a balance approach towards TRUST, LOVE and UNDERSTANDING as these are the building block of a relationship. It is a relationship that binds a business, enterprise, personal life, social life  as applicable. Let us then learn more about love, trust and understanding in order to build a better relationship for a successful output to meet our goals. LOV


    If you love bringing Artificial Intelligence(AI) and biology together, you'll definitely want to know about Xenobots-world's first 'Living Robots'. These living bots are made of skin cells, heart cells, stem cells harvested from frog embryos (Africans clawed frog) and was developed by University of Vermont and Tufts University. These robots are about 1 millimeter and are fully biodegradable and when they're done with their job after seven days, they will turn to dead skin cells.        They are fueled by nutrients and electricity. ''They're neither a traditional robot nor a class of certifact : a living, programmable organism", says Joshua Bongard (a computer Scientist and Robotics expert, University of Vermont).        It's applications can be expected in radioactive waste cleaning, collecting microplastics in oceans, carry medicine into human bodies. These living Robots have just started the games in the Industry and it will level


.....A realization......      It was with him yesterday  Enjoying and chatting  Today I paid heavily  When I lost my marks and grades  I looked at my follower  Was also watching me said  " I don't care anything " And continued his walking  Without waiting for me  I struggled after him  But couldn't reach  I stretched my hands  For a soft support  Then I saw a light  Approaching gently When it reached near With great pleasure I realized It was you ' my education'.                                                                                     -MONISHA( 1ST BA)


MAGIC is something that fascinates people, it excites them. When you hear the word MAGIC, What’s the first thing that comes to your mind? AABRA KA DAABRA, GILI GILI, CHOO!! I believe that magic is far beyond this super famous mantra. WHAT IS MAGIC? Magic is having a better version of yourself everyday, Magic is eliminating hatred with the mantra of LOVE. Yes, Magic is DIVINE. It is super natural! Natural in its own way. Natural in YOU. Believe in yourself because you are the magic of the CREATOR -The super powerful Magician. The UNIVERSAL MAGICIAN has bestowed you with POWERS. POWER of MERCY POWER of FORGIVENESS POWER of SHARING and Above all POWER of CHOICE Our magician has honoured us with the ability to choose anything wisely. It’s our call, we choose the best or worst. Choosing the best is never TROUBLESOME But choosing worst one and accepting it is a COURAGEOUS task Use your power to abolish the BARBARIC advities. Use the magic of your words to


You saw me take my first steps and you have seen me grow. But like every daughters time comes, mine has too. I'm leaving the only place I ever called home, To live in a foreign land where I'm supposed to belong. If so, why does it not feel like mine? Why do I still crave for a place that's too ashamed to call me its own? Nevertheless, I can't deny. You have given me everything I could ask for and much much more, for that I'll be forever grateful. And now that you are so far away from me, I can't help but only cherish these memories. To you, I might be another expat but to me, home is you. - Manal Azim 1st BSc FND 

My Mother

When she held me for the first time I didnt have any idea That she would be the one in the entire world Whom I admire the most Her actions speak a thousand words Her eyes- the mirror of her soul She sacrificed everything she could Yet never did she complain about a thing She understood me when I couldnt myself Whether be it my childhood or teen self She was there like a rock for me Bore all winds and storms for me When I got irritated at her In the years so tender Never did she lose her patience Nor her confidence in me She was strong during my birth Yet cried when i got married Thats who she is- Strong composure, tender heart Staying up at nights to care for me Never got old for her I wish i could payback the love She has given me No one can have a heart like her Nor patience and love she has Thats why i admire her the most Because no one can be comapred to my mother. Amina Avaish 1st BSc FND 


IS IT RIGHT TO  APOLOGIZE OR FORGIVE SOMEONE? How many of us have hurt others emotionally, psychologically or physically with or without intentions? Being apologetic to a person shows that you have realized what you have done and wants to make amends if possible. People due to their hypothetical ego often may not be ready to apologize.Some may often feel that what they are doing is right. These thoughts prevent a person from apologizing and later it may lead to serious repercussions. We often forget ourselves in this busy world that we are too immersed in our works and don't care about our actions.  A person should find time to talk with himself or herself and rewind their whole day. Our conscience never lie to us and you can take your adults support too. I would like to quote an example from my own life experiences. We often make a lot of friends in many apps like Whats App , Kik, Instagram etc where we know personally a very few of them. Feelings do not get expressed


Death How innately alien of a term it has become  when it comes to people  who've meant so little to us but when it does occur, we grieve;  Desperation meets thoughts  that can't be reached  anymore.  Thoughts that carry them We grieve, like we lost time  and we grieve some more, like we loved the ones who left us.                                                                         -AMINA SAFWA (IST  BSC FND) 


Be positive and spread positivity To live a life by thinking that these incidents occurred in our life because it was written in our destiny is ordinary,but to move on after the occurrence of  catastrophe and work within the deadline to create a history is extraordinary. It's another day to bloom so let's come out of gloom and go with the flow of our passion.Life is not about comparing or criticizing.Life is full of surprises. We never know what surprise life will bring for us. So always be ready for accepting the challenges in life. If you will be positive,you will be able to find your way even in the darkness. Success arrives to you only when you work hard and believe in yourself.                                                                                                                                                                                                                         -Pooja Balot 1st B. A.


My Sister - My True Friend   Longing for your embrace  because, in the era of rat race  there is no one who can understand the phrase of my life.  There are many people who give me many scars which have a permanent mark in my heart.  But you are like that flower which has no pesticides in it and it spreads only the fragrance of unconditional love and happiness.                                                                                                                                                                                                    - Pooja Balot                                                                                                     1st B. A


Some movies are really magical, it has the power to touch our hearts with a single scene itself. Watching such scene cleanses our soul. A beautiful day in the neighborhood surely does cleanse our soul with delighting story and cast. It is an American biographical drama film directed by Marielle Heller, written by Micah Fitzerman Blue amd Noah Harpster. It is inspired by the 1998 article "Can You Say... Hero?. The Movie stars, 2 time oscar winner Tom Hanks as Mr Fred Rogers a. k. a Mister Rogers, Matthew Rhys as Lloyd Vogel, Susan Kelechi Watson And Chris Cooper in the  lead.      The movie starts with a happy-happy children's song sung by Fred Rogers. All the arrangements are set like a lego movie theme. He then introduces the protagonist Lloyd Vogel, a journalist whose been sent to interview the ideal Mr Rogers,who is same as the person he is offscreen and onscreen. The movie is a fable on how kindness, honesty, gentleness of a man can change and play a role in one'

Mother Tongue

International mother language day -February 21 Mother tongue is the language which a child starts hearing after being born and thus, it also helps in providing a definite shape to our emotions and thoughts.  Learning in your mother tongue also is crucial in enhancing other skills such as critical thinking, skills to learn a second language and literacy skills. Added to this is the challenge of the fossilised sound system of the mother tongue of the learners that inhibits the acquisition of the pronunciation and sound system of the second language The first language that a baby learns right from his or her birth is termed as the birth language and thus, plays a crucial role in our lives for a wide array of reasons.   International mother language day has been observed every year since February 2000 to promote linguistic and cultural diversity and multilingualism. Languages are the most powerful instruments of preserving and developing our tangible and intangible heritag

The Elixir of Life

    Hot or cold, a glass of water can act as a fix in most situations,a fact we tend to forget or ignore most of the time. Even if you are sitting chained to your desk in an air-conditioned room or using the washroom to relieve yourself just 3 times a day, you are still losing water every hour. We lose ample amounts of water from our body all throughout the day ;either by passing urine or through perspiration, and it happens to us all. Water is essential to out body and to our beauty as well, THE ELIXIR OF LIFE....       In our body, blood is the main connective fluid which contributes about 8% of our total body weight. 55% of blood is composed of plasma. And this fluid plasma is made up of 90-92% of water. When your blood circulation is optimal, the results can be seen on your skin as well. With just the right amount of intake of water, you won't be needing a blush to make your cheeks glow pink or a lip gloss to make your lips look rosy.     Not only does water keep your s

Our Society

   Welcome to our society     A place where     Eyes that look are        Common but eyes     That observe are rare. Where after trials and Trials and bribes in cash Criminals are set free Victim's heart,in ash.     A place where    People candle March    For a day and then    Move on after few    Words of wisdom    That they say.  Where toddlers play with phones than with buliding blocks where even an imaginary santa doesn't exist where has the innocence lost?    They talk and talk    Oh No!They blabber!    But show no actions    They're shallow,rather. They know very well How to complain, How to sympathize But they know not How to solve problems,how to emphathize    They've so much                                                      Knowledge yet so little     Sense each one is     Alone even after     Thousands of social     Media friends Our society, Where most things remain unseen and most facts come consored where criminals room

Budget in Education

Proper and good education is important for all of us. It facilitates quality learning all through the life among people of any age group, caste, creed, religion and region. It is the process of achieving knowledge, values, skills, beliefs and moral habits. People need to get high awareness about the importance of knowledge more than before.Getting education is the birth right of every individual and it is a fundamental right according to our constitution.  It is also considered as one of the basic necessities along with food, water, shelter etc.        The government undertakes various measures to provide education for all irrespective of all kinds of discrimination. Mainly it decides the budget allotted for education every year.        Education in India is provided by public schools (controlled and funded by three levels: central, state, local) and private schools. The approximate ratio of public schools to private school in India is 7:5 .       In 2019-20 the union budget had a


Presently we are witnessing one of the greatest humanitarian emergencies of modern history. According to the global trends report of the United Nations High commission for refugees, the number of people displaced by conflict, persecution, war, violence, and life threatening situations-refugees, stateless people, internally displaced persons and migrants– has reached the highest level ever recorded. By the end of 2005 the number of displaced people, worldwide was 65.3 million. More graphically put, one in every 113 human beings on this planet is forced to flee from home 24 people being thrown out ever minute, it comes to 33,972 people a day. More than half of the world 's refugees are under the age of 18 . Just three countries-Syria, Afghanistan, and Somalia account for above 50 percent of the refugees on earth today, about six in Syrians are now displaced.        Their journeys are fraught with peril. Appalling tales of tragedies feature daily in the headlines. Over 2 lakh r

TAX ANALYSIS 2020-2021

TAX ANALYSIS    2020-2021 Budget might seem all about spurring economic growth, but hidden amid the economics is political messaging; something that was on display in finance minister Nirmala Sitaraman budget speech. We can say tax is center of the budget. GST (goods and service tax) is one of the most awaited law which upon introduced will boost the economic growth in the country. this   tax has a slogan called “one nation ,one tax .”GST eliminates middle man in the modern market. Income tax slab for 2020-2021 15% income tax where total income exceeds Rs.1,00,00,000. Health and education cess 4% income tax and surcharge. Budget 2020-2021 has a new tax regime for tax payers, lower rates for people Foregoing exemptions. The new tax regime comprise of new slabs and slashed income tax rates for different slabs for an individual income of up to Rs.15 lakhs per annum , if a tax payers opts for foregoing exemptions and deduction. Intending to reduce t


SPEAK OUT for what’s RIGHT, SPEAK OUT for your RIGHT, Help yourself to set things RIGHT. FEAR no EVIL, it’s INTERIM. FEAR no FAILURE, it’s COGNITION. HARDWORK beyond limit puts an end to INCOMPETENCE. AIM high, for you are no LESS, Your worth is PRICELESS. STRUGGLE, STRIVE and ENDEAVOUR for your DREAM; Master the art of sharing your CREAM. Live a dignified life with no GLOOM, As you aren’t carrying anything to your TOMB. - FATHIMA AFREEN 1st BSc.FND


Trust is the very thing that everybody in this world desires, or at least should desire from one another. Who wants to have a friendship or relationship without trust? Nobody does. Without trust, there is no friendship, and without friendship, there is no love. I believe that trust is an even greater compliment than to be loved! I believe George Macdonald said it best when he stated "To be trusted is a greater compliment than to be loved." When I read this quote for the first time, I thought to myself, "Wow that is so true. How can you be loved if you are not trusted first?" It is a special thing to be trusted by someone. To be told you are trusted is an even greater feeling, but you should never take advantage of that trust. Taking advantage of somebody's trust in you is never a good thing and will only lead to distrust. If somebody took advantage of my trust, I would be very skeptical of them the next time they needed me to do something for them or asked


Death, O death Isn’t it sad to see? What a brother has done to his own greed. Why has the value of life decreased? Is it because the priority for money has increased? Why does a criminal get away, while the innocent always pays? Death, O death, I tell thee; My heart weeps in bitter pain, For the lifeless body of a women, Lost her essence by a lusty man. To the ragging done by the insane seniors, Which murdered the mental state of junior. For days,  months and years; Violence from the inhumane wars has never stopped to give me fears. I scoff at the men with powers, who denied humanity, through their insensitivity. I know that evil will never trend But I hope violence will soon end I wish this day dawns very soon Or else this ball of life will end in doom                                                         Inshifa 2nd BSc FND 

Overcoming Hopelessness

Hopelessness is a feeling  that can be far more destructive than facing defeat and failure. When you are out there trying to accomplish your goals and you fail to achieve them, as long as you still have hope and faith that you will eventually reach your goals, you will keep pressing on. When you feel hopeless, that's when your are in danger of just giving up on your dreams. Let's take a look at this specific feeling and what you can do to overcome it. One of the main reason why people fail to achieve their goals is because of obstacles. If you think about it though, what is a goal without obstacles? Is getting up and getting a drink of water hard for you? Of course not. That's why it's not considered a goal. When you attempt to accomplish something where there is a chance of failure, you are pursuing something worthwhile. As long as you believe that the goal is within you reach, you will have a chance. Feelings of Hopelessness will usually come when you have exper


COLD AND BROKEN Will I finally find myself  A person long gone away  With thoughts overflowing my mind I look up to the dark sky Hoping and praying To witness this tomorrow A tomorrow where I will recall the feeling of happiness An emotion that is now just a distant memory That’s what they all say That’s what they all say But does it actually get better Or is it just a meaningless say As the day bleeds into night  And I’m tucked in bed Cold and broken  With my weeping eyes gone red I can’t help but wonder Will I wake up tomorrow Free of being stressed Will I wake up tomorrow Rejoicing and blessed  Will I get through the day  Without anxiety dragging me away Into the world of melancholy and despair  Will I finally find myself  A person long gone away  With thoughts overflowing my mind  I look up to the dark sky  Hoping and praying  To witness this tomorrow  A tomorrow where I will recall the feeling of happines

Movie review: Pursuit of Happyness

One of the most inspiring movies ever made. It teaches you that if you have a dream, then you gotta protect it. There are people who can't do something themselves, they want to tell you that you can't do it. If you want something, go get it. Period. No one would make a movie about a guy struggling to succeed, who eventually doesn't ultimately succeed. Certainly, no one would make a Will Smith movie about a guy who breaks under the strain of his difficult life, abandons his child and dies. That's just not going to happen. And because we know that we've seen more than one movie in our lives‐‐"The Pursuit of Happiness" has a particular challenge. To take the real life rags to riches story of stockbroker Chris Gardener, a story with a inevitable happy ending, and sleep it with tension and suspense. The great surprise of the picture is that it's not corny. It may have seemed that way from the trailer: Will Smith tells his son, "Don't ever


LIFE WITHOUT PARENTS  Life without parents is like a tree with broken roots. Life without parents is like a flower without fragrance. Life without parents is like a candle without a flame. Life without parents is like a well without water. Life without parents is like a medicine which has no effect on a sick person. Life without parents is like a music without rhythm. SAY NO TO OLD AGE HOMES AND YES TO FAMILY HOMES Daily we read and hear so many heart rending cases children sending their parents to old age homes, children are ill treating or misbehaving with their parents. Why is this happening? Is this the fault of their parents? Is this their fault that they have become older now, or their fault that they have wasted their entire life for their children by meeting their needs and expectations, giving them everything they have ever wanted, for sending them schools to helping them in being self dependent? Or the fault of parents that they love their children unconditiona


LOVE AAJ KAL-MOVIE REVIEW "Love Aaj Kal" is a movie directed by Imtiaz Ali, cast consisting of Sara Ali Khan, Karthik Aryan, Randeep Hooda and Arushi Sharma in leading roles, which screened on 14 th of January 2020. Firstly, as the title of the movie makes us to think it as a routine love story but as we watch it, we realize that the concept is more than a love story. The whole story is exclusively relatable to present generation and characters are realistic not idealistic. The major characters names are Raghu as Randeep, Zoe as Sara, Veer as Karthik Arayan. Randeep's role catches everyone’s eye which is very much interesting as it is relatable to youngsters. Zoe main actress who is so much confused and constantly tries to seek a balance between personal and professional life which I think is completely  relatable to present  situation, the constant dilemma everyone face every day in a relationship is shown so naturally. Raghu

Book review : Till the last breath

This book is one of the best books I have ever read. It's a must read. This book tells us how important our lives are and how important it is to live and love. The last chapters made me cry. Now I am a great fan of Durjoy Dutta. He is one of the best writers I have ever seen. Just in love with this book. ‘Till the Last Breath’ is a fiction that revolves around characters i.e, Pihu, Dushyant, Armaan, Zara and Kajal and the line of events that connects their dots together. Storyline goes like : Two different personalities in the same room in the hospital, Room No. 509, perfectly di-pole, where the boy, named Dushyant Roy, an drug-alcoholic, who hate his life, is suffering from severe kidney failure, and on the other bed is an ever-smiling angel, Pihu, both destined to die, and how their life, journey in the room to death is beautifully pictured by Durjoy Datta, who will stun you and surprise you. The three other important characters is Dr. Armaan, who has a very bad past,


LOVE  Let the flame of pure love shine in your heart for your near and dear ones but, never let the flame of fake love lit in your heart for anyone. Because pure love is permanent and fake love is temporary. Then it would be love's first priority to reach out to those people who are deprived of pure and unconditional love.  Love will greet you only when you welcome it without any selfish attitude. Love is like a flower as the beauty of each flower is undefinable in the same way the feeling of love is also undefinable. As a flower spreads its fragrance and soothes our heart and mind and adds charm to the beauty of garden, vase, bouquet, etc. in the same way let's spread smiles and love wherever we go and let's make this world a better place to live in. Then always be loyal to them and never break their trust and heart. Loving someone unconditionally is an art and everybody is not an expert in that art. Let the flame of unconditional love be alive and let the f

HELEN-movie review

Helen-Movie Review Helen is a Malayalam thriller drama movie which centralizes the aspect of survival of an independent woman in the world. This story is inspired by true life events which makes it a more eerie experience for the people who watch the movie. It portrays sheer determination of a middle class woman who is ready to face the world at any cost. Helen, the protagonist is often late out at night due to her tight work schedule and financial problems. She is a nurse determined to migrate to Canada to migrate to Canada to improve her financial status who lived with her father after her mother’s demise.  Being a Christian her father didn’t accept the concept of marrying a person of opposite caste although she had a Muslim boyfriend( Azhar) without the knowledge of her own father until one day a cop(Ratheesh) catches them on the way back home. He telephones her father (Paul) who gets furious on his own daughter. These events lead to the disappearance of helen the very