My Mother

When she held me for the first time
I didnt have any idea
That she would be the one in the entire world
Whom I admire the most

Her actions speak a thousand words
Her eyes- the mirror of her soul
She sacrificed everything she could
Yet never did she complain about a thing

She understood me when I couldnt myself
Whether be it my childhood or teen self
She was there like a rock for me
Bore all winds and storms for me

When I got irritated at her
In the years so tender
Never did she lose her patience
Nor her confidence in me

She was strong during my birth
Yet cried when i got married
Thats who she is-
Strong composure, tender heart

Staying up at nights to care for me
Never got old for her
I wish i could payback the love
She has given me

No one can have a heart like her
Nor patience and love she has
Thats why i admire her the most
Because no one can be comapred to my mother.

Amina Avaish
1st BSc FND 


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