
Trust is the very thing that everybody in this world desires, or at least should desire from one another. Who wants to have a friendship or relationship without trust? Nobody does. Without trust, there is no friendship, and without friendship, there is no love. I believe that trust is an even greater compliment than to be loved! I believe George Macdonald said it best when he stated "To be trusted is a greater compliment than to be loved." When I read this quote for the first time, I thought to myself, "Wow that is so true. How can you be loved if you are not trusted first?"

It is a special thing to be trusted by someone. To be told you are trusted is an even greater feeling, but you should never take advantage of that trust. Taking advantage of somebody's trust in you is never a good thing and will only lead to distrust. If somebody took advantage of my trust, I would be very skeptical of them the next time they needed me to do something for them or asked something of me. Trust should be valued highly and seen as a true bond between two friends or mates. It should be thought of as the glue in the relationship.

Having somebody to trust is a wonderful feeling. Knowing that you have somebody to talk to about anything you might have going on in your life is great. The feeling of being trusted might possibly be one of the best feelings you will ever know. It is great when you can help somebody when you are trusted just by having a talk with them about something they need help with or need advice on. If you do not know of anybody you truly trust, then I believe that you should find someone and build that friendship with a glue called trust and maybe you will help that person and even yourself in ways you've never known.
Trust is like a mirror once broken u cn never fix it back.

- Zohara Ridha Basheer
   1st Bsc FND 


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