Report - Speakers club activities

July 6th 2019
The short film Doodle Bug revolving around the existential crisis was screened which was later followed by a group discussion about the different view points the film offers.
Soon after the screening, a healthy debate was carried on the climate change and the required measures the students must take in order to fight this deadly global threat.

July 13th 2019
A group discussion had taken place on a street play which revolves around precautions to curb climate change and works out as an awareness programme to educate laymen on the adverse effects of the Climate change.

July 27th 2019
Screening of the film Seven followed by group discussion on nature of evil.

2th of August 2019
The recitation of self composed poems and articles by students from Speakers club which was later followed by group discussion.

17th of August 2019
MINUTE- a verbattle kind of debate competition in which students took part expressed their views and counter views.

7th of Setember 2019
Tell Tale Competition. Students made a unitary coherent story out of fragment story lines emerged out of each member.

14th of September 2019
Religious Intolerance and India. A discussion on the mentioned theme was carried throughout the hour. The members have shared and discussed and even debated about the highly controversial issues that the current generation is forced face.

16th of September 2019
A serious discussion has taken place regarding the launching of Speakers Club blog during the next semester.

II/IV/VI Semester 2019-20
1st of January 2020
A group discussion on the blog launch event had taken place. Every student contributed to this discussion. It was planned that the blog carrying the collection of various articles composed by the students must be officially launched.

11th of January 2020
 Speaker’s Club Blog Launch
Mr. Devanand Pai, the secretary of Women’s National Education Society has inaugurated the event by launching the first ever Speaker club BlogSpot of Besant Women’s College. Mr. Ganesh Bhat, the correspondent of the Besant P.U. College recalled the memories from his school days and spoke on how he mastered his communication skills through constant efforts and convictions. Dr. Satish Kumar Shetty, the principal of Besant Women’s College addressed the gathering and asked the students to make the best use of speakers club which aims at deconstructing language and constructing meaning. Mr. Goutam Jyothsna, faculty of Dept. of English who is also the convener of the speaker club spoke about the contradictory nature of language, and assured that the speaker club blog intends to free speech from all kinds of prejudices and ambiguities. Ms. Gulsha Mariyam, from II BSc FND was the master of ceremony. After the formal events the members of Speakers club have presented a skit on the dangerous consequence the technology addiction, which was directed by Ms. Sherihan Fatima from III BSc FND who is also the secretary of the speakers club.
The link for the Blog-spot

11th of January 2020
Motivation Talk, delivered by Seif Sultan
“There is a beautiful story about the native Americans. One day a child belonging to that tribe asks its elders in the family, ‘tell me a small story about good and bad.’ One of the wise old man obliges and begins the story, ‘Inside every human being there is a good wolf and a bad wolf, the one that you feed the most wins”’ said Mr. Saif Sultan, an NLP practitioner, life coach management and trainer. He was speaking during the Speakers Club blog launch event held at Besant Women’s College. The intention of the event was to encourage the young minds to keep a positive attitude so that they would not lose focus amidst the negative atmosphere around them. Motivating the students to jump into action whenever there is a chance he said, “life will throw a lot of opportunities at you if you just sit down there, accepting it come towards you will just miss it, you have to walk up to the opportunity and grab it.”

25th January 2020
The report preparation
Students were taught how to report the events and as an exercise they were given the task to prepare an in-depth report containing all the activities
conducted by the speaker’s club in the academic year 2019-20.

1st of February 2020
Climate Change discussion 2.0
It was planned that with a revised theme and rejuvenate ideas a street play in three language (Eng., Hindi and Kannada) must be performed in the month of March 2020 in order to create awareness about the global threat among the general public. The consent from the Secretary was also taken after meeting him in person.

15th of February 2020
Editing the articles in the blog. The student editors of the blog have taken the charge to edit the various articles published in the blog as the other members of the club were assisting.


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