Women's Day

Celebrating women's day
Is the silliest thing
That we do.
It is also discrimination
As we never celebrate
Men's day.
Enlightening all the struggles,
Sacrifices of a woman
And forgetting it again
Does it have any intention?
A woman starts to
Struggle right from
Her birth
She struggles for every
Single desires of her
And never thinks of
Taking stand for herself
Until it is totally unbearable
For her.
She undergoes lots of hardship
To attain her goal to
Reach a position which
She dreamt of.

In spite of knowing her desires,
She is let to marry and
Enters a new world
Where everything is

She takes up
The responsibility of all the
aspects in her life,
Ready to move on with
Different emotions,
But still she is considered
To be weak.

If she would be the weakest
In the society, then
She could have never
Undergo the pains and labours
Of birth.
Then why do you
Consider her as the
Because she is filled
With all the emotions?

Everytime when we speak
On the freedom struggles,
The first name we prescribe
Are the men
But, when we turn on
To the history of all the
Rights or freedom
Enjoyed by women
It may be in the
Equality in property
Or the very right to education.

All are provided
By women.

Then what is the use to
Celebrate women's day?
As the struggles of women
Are always neglected
And is only remembered
For one day?
On women's day, sister's day,
Mother's day,
Because we are
The second grade

- Afra
1st BSc FND


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