The Earth's Plight

Did you hear? Did you hear?
Of what's going over here;
To the skies,to the trees,
To the lakes, to the breeze;
Let me tell you a secret,
a secret to keep;
For if you tell, you shall dwell
in sorrow and weep.

Look around and see,
The deforestation in me.
Look how they laugh,
While they cut my trees in half;
Did you see the rivers? 
That trembles and quivers.
Dumped with plastic and toxic trash,
While they make their wealth in cash.

Have you given a thought about the animals that wandered.
What made them extinct? Have you ever pondered?
Did you not see? How callous they have been?
With flourishing industries,
That they built using technologies.
Ha! They call it ' evolution',
Behold, I've had enough of this destruction.

So listen ,so listen
İt's time for retaliation.
Vengeance has begun
I shall spare no one.
With floods and hurricanes,
With droughts and acid rains.
This is this vicious circle that you started,
Will end, with you being thwarted.

- Rida Sayed Rizwan
2nd year Bsc FND


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