Love One or Love All?

All love is expansion and all selfishness is contraction. Quoted by swami vivekanand. This is fittingly said for love is the basic foundation of life itself.

A world without love is unimagibable. For love though a small word has in it power magical. Under it comes compassion, empathy, sympathy, care and what not.
Love is both the reason why we are born and the reason why we live.
And it is only right to say that love keeps expanding. Everything in this world has an end, you, me, everyone but love? It's never ending and ever giving. The more you spread the more you receive.
Now we live in a world where everything is measured with money.
Anything that is for free grabs our attention. Now what if I say love is free, it has no price tag on it.
Moreover it has no currency, you can spread it in any way possible. A small smile? Flowers? A simple thank you? Go for it. You need not have an account in any bank or go thru huge transaction. Nay.
To all those who believe in karma, here is a thing. What goes around comes around, ay? Now in the simplest manner possible. Love goes, love comes.
Now with love comes selflessness. One must love with all of his/heart. In FACT one must start from themselves, love yourself but never stop there. For when a person stops just there love turns into selfishness. Keep spreading and you won't make that mistake.

Love and selfishness are closely related. So much that we could call them sisters.
Love is a set of emotions, a strong feeling of affection towards some one, it brings in you a desire to do anything for that one person. Beautiful right? Now imagine a person to whom that someone, that one person is themselves. Such people tend to go to any extant to satisfy their loved one's aka. Themselves. Not so magical anymore is it?
It is not that they lack the emotion of love but that they fail to understand it.
You know how an uninformed person is still better than a half informed person? This is exactly it. A selfish person is a half informed person who only loves himself, which tho the first step of love isn't the only step. And this is more harmful to him than any deadly disease found in this world.
You may ask why? Well because a person suffering from the most deadly disease is still content for he has his loved one right by his side.
A selfish person might have everything and is still left with nothing. It is this hollow feeling that one must fear.
Selfishness is not only toxic but also claustrophobic. It wraps you in a 2 by 4 box which keeps getting tinier as time passes.
And as cliche as this may sound but love is the key to being free. Unconditional, selfless love.
Can we now just talk about the importance of love in today's world?love has come to kindness, kindness to sympathy and sympathy to basic humanity and yet we fail to exercise basic humanity.
In such a time love has become more important than oxygen itself. Maybe not theoretically but never the less the statement remains intact.
I would fail god if I say he hasn't poured love in each and everyone's heart. For he most definitely has. But it's on us how we use it. Selfishly or selflessly.

the more you give it away
The more love comes back to you every day. ~Marissa Lorenz

Love gives us hope, happiness, and most importantly companionship. People who are with us no matter what, thru think and thin and through good times.
One must never give up on their goals but always remember an empty room is the least joyous celebration.

We breathe to live and we live to love, knowingly or unknowingly we always have love in our heart. Sometimes it's hidden behind rocks of stress, selfishness, ego and what not but it's always there.
The only way to truly bring it out to the surface is through love. Unconditional and selfless love. In a way it's like self initiation. Once love is given, it leads to production of more love which in turn stimulates more and so it goes on.
Selfishness on the other hand brings isolation. Man is a social being and isolation his biggest enemy so all in all selfishness is self destruction. It is that red button one must never press no matter the situation.
Selfishness shouldn't be confused with self love. For self love has always and will always be a priority.
Love brings life and selfishness, death.
One must always remember that stepping on people to move ahead is never going to bring you joy but is only going to lead you to your own grave, a grave with no flowers.

I pushed through the crowd,
frantically running to catch the golden promise of joy.
Stepping on every act of kindness and love on my way,
I finally found peace
Amidst the crowd.
~ Manal Azim
1st BSc FND 


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