

Image result for inspiration
The word 'inspiration' has different meanings according to different people.  According to the Oxford Dictionary the word inspiration means, ‘The process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something creative’. In general each person describes it with his or her own definition like inspiration is something which makes us to feel confident, strengthen our will power and leads us in the right path to achieve our aims in our life.
In my life there have been many people and incidents that have been huge influences but the one who inspired me the most is my English teacher who encouraged me to speak English fluently. She is the reason why I am able to write or speak in English and who took me from learning to thinking and analyzing stage. My dream is to be a teacher like her who can motivate students to pursue their dreams.
In India, inspiring personalities like MK Gandhi, Bhagat Singh, Tendulkar, Abdul Kalam, Narendra Modi who have reached great heights after facing so many challenges in life should be a motivation for today’s young generation to achieve their dreams.
We being humans should always inspire others in good ways. We get inspired in some or the other way which motivates us to reach our life dream goals. 
Nature is an inspiration source for human being.Let’s take an interesting and provoking example. Ants inspire us to hard work, even though ants are small creatures as they don't depend on others and find their own food whatever the size maybe.
 Inspiration shouldn't be meant only for the sake of words, we must follow the path of those inspiring personalities to make our life beautiful. Nothing is impossible in our life, if we strongly believe in ourselves. Believing in oneself is also a great inspiration. As the word Impossible itself says I'M possible.
No matter how many people discourage you from pursuing your dreams, take that criticism as a challenge. We can prove ourselves only by crossing our limits to achieve something beyond our capacity. So, no matter how many people say you can't do something, use that as an inspiration and prove them that they are wrong.
- Divya
BA 1st year


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