Importance Of Experiential Learning

Importance Of Experiential Learning 

September 5th of every year is celebrated as teacher's day. The day on which teachers are appreciated wholeheartedly by their students and are awarded by their gratitude.By teachers,we don't mean only the professionals who teach in various institutions but everyone who gives us a lesson in our lives. May it be the the biggest of failures or the greatest of achievements.

Whenever we hear the word 'teacher', we usually associate it with our school or college teachers. We have often heard that parents are our first teachers. And yes, Parents are indeed our first teachers. Although some may disagree with it, as they feel that its also the influence of the whole family. The grandparents, siblings, Uncles, Aunts and many more also play a major role in guiding us as we were growing up. We learn many things from our family members. May it be an idea or an experience, the concept of learning never stops, we learn a lot of virtues and morals from them .

We as children, always associated learning with just books but never thought about how much more we learn everyday from our family and our surroundings. Our father's have inspired us to be better people while our mother's have taught us the real meaning of love and courage . Now that all of us have grown up, we all know that teaching and learning is not just limited to books. Every person we come across gives us a lesson and introduces us to something new. It includes friends,vendors, people in the bus, a neighbor or just a stranger on social media... We all learn something from the people we meet,the goals we achieve and the circumstances we face.... It may be good or bad but what's important is that we accept it.

Friends teach us to never give up on our dreams... They teach us to be passionate about what we do. Although you'll have to struggle a little,don't give up and go on. While traveling in a local bus, a fellow passenger may teach you the art of 'chivalry'. While you help your grandparents, they teach you the importance of 'patience'. While you help the poor,they teach you the act of 'kindness'.
In this way, every person teaches us something or the other but we never tend to  give it a thought.

TEACHERS DAY shouldn't just be restricted to the professional lecturers. We must always show gratitude to the people who have taught us academically. But also keep in mind about those who have taught us the greatest lessons of life.
And finally.... I Hope that this article helps you realize how much we learn from around us.

-Fathima Siba
1st year Bsc FND


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