Speakers Club is a new path

Speakers Club is a new path where the concept of language itself is going to be deconstructed. In our club we explore the meanings hidden deep beneath the structure of language.  We shall attempt to explore the true essence of expression buried under the forms defined as language which actually happen to be a web of deceit created only to behead the instinctual signifying images.  The members of Speaker Club are thrown into the new world of free speech in which they must embark on a voyage inwards, in search of artistic expressions that ultimately make them the coherent human beings.  More than speech the club intends to discover what creates speech and how one should remain truthful to her innate authentic self and how one should never, under any circumstance, contrive to defile that genuine core of being.
          The core of reality shall be questioned and criticized in the Club through various means of discussions, verbattles, and debates, elocutions without any biased or unhinged opinions. All along these exposures, there will be screenings of the award winning films, documentaries, thought provoking interviews which will be followed by heavy analysis as well as gathered arguments. We are after truth, nothing but truth. No half-truth, no prejudices, no denial of realities. The name of our game is Explore- the profoundly deeper depth of knowledge while striving to achieve an unwavering perception.


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