
Report - Speakers club activities

July 6th 2019 The short film Doodle Bug revolving around the existential crisis was screened which was later followed by a group discussion about the different view points the film offers. Soon after the screening, a healthy debate was carried on the climate change and the required measures the students must take in order to fight this deadly global threat. July 13th 2019 A group discussion had taken place on a street play which revolves around precautions to curb climate change and works out as an awareness programme to educate laymen on the adverse effects of the Climate change. July 27th 2019 Screening of the film Seven followed by group discussion on nature of evil. 2th of August 2019 The recitation of self composed poems and articles by students from Speakers club which was later followed by group discussion. 17th of August 2019 MINUTE- a verbattle kind of debate competition in which students took part expressed their views and counter views. 7th of Se

Malayalam Book Review

*MALAYAM BOOK REVIEW OF "KODHI THEERNADHILLALLO UPPA" BY NAZEELA BINTH KHASIM* I recently read this book which was fascinated by its exploration of the father-daughter relationship The daughter recall the eternity amore of father who was the best teacher to the whole society... here she writes about a great man, her father who lead a simple life and who passed away on 11-8-2019 *MA KASIM MUSLIYAR*, a central committee member of samastha kerala Jamiyyathul ulama(it was a religious organisation of Muslim scholars and clerics at the Indian state of Kerala headquartered at Kozhikode), Educational Board Secretary of the organisation and he was the Kasargod District Secretary of the Samastha. he was also the founder of the college *"IMAM SHAFI ISLAMIC ACADEMY, KASARGOD, KERALA"* A great institution offering both moral and contemporary studies. she remembers her good olden days where she kept her foot step with her great father who taught her the whole

5 simple ways to be happy

We all want to be happy. But what is happiness? Here is one definition... Happiness is simply the ability to not want more: to find gratitude and satisfaction in the moment that you have right now. In other words, your happiness hinges on  living moment instead of yearing for some future indicator of success. Here is the best way i know to live in the moment... Express gratefulness. Appreciating what you have right now automatically brings you into the present. It allows you to get past the dissatisfaction of wanting a bigger house or a better relationship ora better job or experience what you have right now. With that thought in mind, here are five ways to boost your greatfulness on a daily basis and finding lasting happiness. Some simple ways to be happy: 1.Before dinner each night, say one thing you are greatful for. (If you pray, then this can become part of your prayers as well.) 2. Write a Thank You note to someone this week. If you can't find anything els

Visual media and it's effect on family life

Media is a great invention of modern culture. On one hand,it enriches our lives and makes our time more enjoyable. But,on  the other hand its effects are very serious. In the course of our life, we meet everyday the visual media as we watch television, read magazines, search on the internet, and play  computer games.  Visual media is a means of communication using visual effects. The communication meant to reach a large number of people in a short amount of time. Visual media has influenced our lives positively or nagatively. We all know the basic thought that every coin has two faces. As such visual media also has advantages as well as disadvantages. First of all, visual media provide us a lot of information, that is why many people enjoy and get excited by the internet. on the other hand, visual media has quite dangerous disadvantages like addiction. Addiction to visual media is as bad as Alcohol or Drug addiction children become mentally unhealthy by watching violent and sexual vi

Global warming and planet Earth

 Global warming is a hotly discussed topic everywhere now- a- days scientist say that it is the tendency of the globe to warm at a given point over the years we hear the people talking about the climatic changes we always feel that the present summer is always hotter than the past that means  year by year the temperature of the globe increases the earth's climate may change and earth may be come hotter in  response  external forces such as earths variation in its orbit around the sun, volcanic eruptions and atmospheric green house gas concentrations. but the scientist say that the main cause of global warming is man himself the main reason for global warming is due to the desire's of people . The global temperature increase will badly affect the earth. Global warming is the biggest challenge the mankind is facing today. The different climatic conditions may result in new and unknown diseases which may become a challenge to them medical world we must grow one tree in every h

The importance of physical fitness

The Importance Of Physical Fitness A person who is fit is capable of living life to its fullest extent. Physical and mental fitness play very important roles in your lives and people who are both, physically and mentally fit are less prone medical conditions as well. Fitness does not only refer to being physically fit, but also refers to a person’s mental state as well. If a person is physically fit, but mentally unwell or troubled, he or she will not be able to function optimally. Mental fitness can only be achieved if your body is functioning well. You can help relax your own mind and eliminate stresses by exercising regularly and eating right. People who are physically fit are also healthier, are able to maintain their most optimum weight, and are also not prone to cardiac and other health problems. In order to maintain a relaxed state of mind, a person should be physically active. A person who is fit both physically and mentally is strong enough to face the

Women's Day

Celebrating women's day Is the silliest thing That we do. It is also discrimination As we never celebrate Men's day. Enlightening all the struggles, Sacrifices of a woman And forgetting it again Tomorrow Does it have any intention? A woman starts to Struggle right from Her birth She struggles for every Single desires of her And never thinks of Taking stand for herself Until it is totally unbearable For her. She undergoes lots of hardship To attain her goal to Reach a position which She dreamt of. In spite of knowing her desires, She is let to marry and Enters a new world Where everything is unknown. She takes up The responsibility of all the aspects in her life, Ready to move on with Different emotions, But still she is considered To be weak. If she would be the weakest In the society, then She could have never Undergo the pains and labours Of birth. Then why do you Consider her as the Weakest? Because she is filled With all the