
Showing posts from October, 2019

The Earth's Plight

Did you hear? Did you hear? Of what's going over here; To the skies,to the trees, To the lakes, to the breeze; Let me tell you a secret, a secret to keep; For if you tell, you shall dwell in sorrow and weep. Look around and see, The deforestation in me. Look how they laugh, While they cut my trees in half; Did you see the rivers?  That trembles and quivers. Dumped with plastic and toxic trash, While they make their wealth in cash. Have you given a thought about the animals that wandered. What made them extinct? Have you ever pondered? Did you not see? How callous they have been? With flourishing industries, That they built using technologies. Ha! They call it ' evolution', Behold, I've had enough of this destruction. So listen ,so listen Ä°t's time for retaliation. Vengeance has begun I shall spare no one. With floods and hurricanes, With droughts and acid rains. This is this vicious ci

Your Presence

I'm  addicted to your presence,  So your absence makes me cry. I can't stop crying so my eyes gets dry, I know you are hearing my cry. So please make me feel your presence, So I can work hard and fly high in the sky.  - Pooja Balot  1st year B.A

Serenity Of Nature Has No Need For Words Or Voice But Speaks Volumes

Be like a mountain! FıRM AND STRONG!, Do not give in ... Although your journeys too long... Patience my friend... Your not wrong.. So lift your head up ... And sing all along! Art by  - Rida Sayed Rizwan  2nd year Bsc FND

Immensely Devoted

The way you love and the way you care, Nowadays such type of person is rare. So whenever I glare at you unknowingly, I always have a fear of losing you, Because, I can't bear to stay away from you. -Pooja Balot 1 year B.A

Beauty Of Nature

Let the rivers wash away your tears.. Let the trees dance with the breeze... Just try to reach the sky... Let your soul open up and unfold! Art by - Rida Sayed Rizwan   2nd year Bsc FND


Happiness is something which is difficult to describe in words. A person with happiness leads a peaceful life and achieve something in life. Each person finds his / her own happiness in different things. Some may find their happiness while listening to music, some may feel happy when they are helping others and now a days many people are getting their happiness by posting their personal life issues in social media. Sometimes we won't feel happy even though we get what we want because of something.         Happiness is a lovely feeling, of pleasure, satisfaction, well being, fulfillment. Happiness doesn't happen out of anywhere- it has to be worked on; it has to be produced, created, discovered,built from the ground up. Happiness also is dependent upon how one spends their time.      Ä°n conclusion,  happiness can most certainly be found and not just momentarily pleasure, but genuine long lasting happiness, which is not something that any person can build on th


All I need is a me peace as it fades away! Art by -Rida Sayed Rizwan  2nd year Bsc FND

A Room With A View

ART is something that makes you breath and brings a different kind of'HAPPÄ°NES' Art by - Dionne 2nd year Bsc FND


The nature is everything around us which surrounds us with beautiful environment. We see and enjoy it every moment. We observe natural changes in it, hear it and feel it everywhere. We should take full advantage of the nature and go out of home for the morning walk daily to breathe pure air and enjoy morning beauty of nature. All though the day it changes it beauty like in the morning when sun rises everything looks bright orange and then yellowish. In the evening when sun sets it again becomes dark orange and then light dark. The nature has everything for us but we do not have anything for it even we are destroying its property day by day to just fulfill our selfish wishes. In the modern technological world lots of inventions are getting launched daily without its advantage and disadvantage to the nature. It is our responsibility to save the declining assets of our nature to make possible the existence of life forever on the earth. Mariyam Fathima Ayyub 1st BSc FND 


Life is like a camera. Just focus on what's important. Capture the good times, Develop from the negatives and Ä°f things don't work out, Just take ANOTHER SHOT. Art by - Dionne 2nd year Bsc FND

Mother- A living God

Mother- A living God  Mother is a living God, She helps us in every mode. Never let her face heartbreaks, She is the only one whose love is not fake. - Pooja Balot 1st year B.A

Let's say no

Nowadays the current generation speaks alot using complicated words like "CIGARETTE", "ALCOHOL", "WEED" and the most trending word "RELATIONSHIP".  When such big words are pronounced so properly,  then why not a simple two letter word called "NO"?  Is it so hard to pronounce that specific word?       "HALF OF THE TROUBLES OF THIS LIFE CAN BE TRACED BY SAYING YES TOO QUICKLY AND NOT SAYING NO SOON ENOUGH. " --Josh Billings.  Have you noticed how difficult it is to say NO?  Just try it when your friends ask you to join them.  Will you be able to say "NO"?  No..... You cant. Saying a "no" isn't as easy as we think. But a word "no" can make you different from others. We all have the fear of being ignored/rejected especially by our friends if we say no for late-night parties, or other activities which they are okay with but not you.. Still we don't say NO. Instead we fight with parents

The Anxiety Toolkit

Anxiety is really something that can ruin our happiness and stop us from having our best life. But, even if it's difficult, anxiety can be controlled and defeated. Signs of an anxiety attack: feelings of danger, panic or dread nervousness or restless rapid heart rate sweating hyperventilation difficulty in focusing gastrointestinal problems tiredness or weakness Obviously, like every emotion, anxiety is a very subjective feeling and everyone tries to defeat it in their own personal way. Here are some advices that you could find helpful in order to cope up with anxiety: Questioning your thoughts can take root in your mind and distort the severity of the situation. Try facing your fears and thinking about the best of every situation. Breath deep and stay focused.  Sometimes the best way to stop anxious thoughts is to walk away from the situation: taking some time to focus on our body and not your mind may help relieve your anxiety. Go out for a walk or do

Winding up of a company

How the operations of a company are wound up as per the guidelines laid out in the Companies Act, 2013. Introduction Winding Up of a Company means to bring an end to the life of the company. A distinct feature of a company is Perpetual Succession which means that the longevity of the company does not depend on its members or their financial status. Even if all the members of the company go bankrupt or all of them die, the company will not dissolve on its own unless it is made to dissolve on grounds which are laid out in the act. This article will go over how the operations of a Company are shut according to the provisions of the Companies Act. Types of Winding Up According to Section 425 of the Companies Act, 2013 , there are 2 kinds of Winding Up. They are: 1.     Compulsory Winding Up under the order of the Court 2.     Voluntary Winding Up, which itself is of two kinds: i.    Members‟ Voluntary Winding Up ii.    Cred

Love, Friends and Toxic people

There is a line in Italian which says " chi trova un amico, trova un tesoro " whivh translates into " Who finds a friend, finds a treasure ." But sadly, life isn't just about friends: everyone in their life has known someone who made them wish they had never met that someone . They are so-called "toxic people" or "toxic friends": if we don't get rid of them, they will slowly take control of our life and ruin our happiness. Sometimes there aren't many things we can do about it (shit happens, and luckily people happen too!) Don't look for the good in someone, because if they are good people they'll show you. Don't look for sweet words and romantic messages, look for facts . Don't idealize people or you'll fall in love with someone who doesn't even exist. " Love is my hero. And it will always be. And it can save the world, if we understand it"- Cara Delevingne Maybe love was nothing

Book review: Attitude is everything

Attitude is everything This book is easy to read in each chapter and it also helps for those who have not read self help book yet.  The book shows how the author Jeff Keller used these principles to make his career transition from becoming a lawyer to a motivational speaker and shows the reader how they can make positive changes in every area of their lives. This is a motivational book packed with brief and easy tips to change your wrong habit, to take control of your life and choose the right path to reach the upper success. Here, the writer of the "Attitude is everything" had an inspiring experience that led him to share his useful thoughts and he went from lawyer to a motivational speaker, he could change his career and all of his life because he believed in himself and his potential and mainly he changes his attitude. This book consist of 3 chapter and 146 pages. The 3 chapters are : -Success begins in your mind -Watch your words -The heaven helps us those who a