
Showing posts from August, 2019

Speaker's club report

Speaker's club report In the last session of our Speaker's club, we watched a clipping from the Hollywood movie 'Se7en'. It was a thriller based on the concept of seven deadly sins where we are apprised of the actions and mysteries of the mind of a serial killer who is on the loose. Later , we discussed our opinions and reviewed  the movie and each one of us shared what we had perceived of it.   This Saturday , in the Speaker's club we had a very interesting round of an 'Impromtu Speech session'. Where two people had to come forward and speak on a given topic for a minute   or more. The session progressed with great vigour and enthusiasm as the different members came forward and tried out their speaking skills to project their perspective in a battle of words and sentences. It gave them an opportunity to experience speaking in front of a crowd where they put forth their thoughts with ease and success.            Have a good day!

The ART of keeping a secret

We all love to hear other people's secrets and get thrilled when we are told not to tell someone else what we heard. But, how many of us can really keep a secret?     The way to do this is, what I am going to tell u. If you learn to keep secrets and earn the trust and faith of others around you, who will soon find out how dependable you are - you will be one of the most popular people around and will always be surrounded by friends.        Everyone has troubles. Troubles in school, at home, in the work place, with parents, friends, teachers, brothers and sisters. The list is endless, and one wishes ever so often that there was one person who you could trust and vent out your troubles to, who would not be the 'loud mouth', who would pass on your secrets to other.       When you hear a secret, listen carefully and talk it out with whoever is telling it to you - then, put it right out of your mind and make a conscious effort to forget it and you will!       That way,


This painting was made during the time this piece of news came out : UP Man Murders Daughter After Raping Her for 2 Years, Buries Her Head and Dumps Body in Drain  Comment below what you think about this painting and how it relates .


We hear about the dangers of childhood obesity. We see images of miserable looking children with fat rolls billowing over their too tight pants, shirts bursting up above the gut, and we can only imagine the sadness and shame on their faces hidden from view. Medical experts warn of the dire consequences of being “overweight:” diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, and just about any other ailment you can imagine. We are told that this generation of children will be the first to have a shorter life expectancy than their parents (a statement that induces fear but seems to ignore the fact that life expectancy is actually at an all-time high). At school, children are graded not only on their academic performance, but also according to their Body Mass Index (BMI). A child’s fatness is seen as a reflection of parenting skills and parents of fat children are deemed bad parents. These parents are even at risk of having their children removed from their care and being arrested for neglec